Latest Episodes
AutheNick: Alex K Part 2
AutheNick: Alex K. EMT - Fresh Air and On Air
Alex K, an EMT, shares her experiences in and out of recovery from an eating disorder, drug addiction and alcoholism. She saves lives on...
AutheNick - Chris D. Pt. 2
Chris continues to tell his journey in recovery porn addiction, chemical dependency and suicide attempts. Chris continues by sharing his strength and hope. PS...
AutheNick Episode 20 Chris D.uck Duck Gray Duke
Chris D, a fellow podcaster, shares his experience, strength and hope as it pertains to his journey in recovery from porn addiction, alcoholism and...
AutheNick Needs A Break This Week
AutheNick Ep. 17 Bridget B. P.A.U.S.E Part 1
Bridget B shares her experience, strength and hope as a survivor of sexual assault, and her personal journey as the wife of an alcoholic....